Look at the sidebar and copy&paste code to your blog!
31 July, 2009
New banner!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Friday, July 31, 2009 0 comments
30 July, 2009
The new pin is at the coffee shop! It's a toy sail boat! Signs of a water party? Lots of unavailable...
Posted by Mikosubaka on Thursday, July 30, 2009 0 comments
About Me
Hi! My name is Greenguy1003 I'm the new author on this site. My purpose on this site is to keep you updated with whats happening on clubpenguins blog. Mikosubaka and I are very good friends. My favorite server to go on is Thermal,so if you get lucky you might see me there.
Posted by GreenGuy1003 on Thursday, July 30, 2009 0 comments
Newpaper is out!
First here are the upcoming events and below it shows more details... First, is Gary's solution to fixing up the glass underground, new mission maybe?
Posted by Mikosubaka on Thursday, July 30, 2009 18 comments
29 July, 2009
Are you sure?
I've only gotten 2 forms from PotW! What is up with that? I'm deciding to delete this blog due to the FACT THAT THIS BLOG WAS WAY MORE POPULAR WHEN STICKERS WAS HERE! I'm really disapointed in this and on people's blogroll they haven't changed the URL or anything! Man, this makes me so f***ing mad!
Goodbye those who actually are reading this post and sorry Greenguy1003! If Stickers were back then this blog would have so much more hits...I never really wished any of this happened.
Mikosubaka hates this blog now!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 6 comments
26 July, 2009
Poll of the Week
Hey ppl! Miko here with Poll of the week! Also Penguin of the Week will start also! Click here for Penguin of the Week! It will also be on the sidebar just in case.
Vote on the sidebar>>>>>>>>
Posted by Mikosubaka on Sunday, July 26, 2009 1 comments
25 July, 2009
A lot of people have been wondering and suprised that Stickers303 has left this site. People still don't know what happened. First of all, Stickers made a post giving me a decision to make. Stickers wanted to start out fresh again with a new blog, he made one on Weebly, he then HATED it so he went to Jimdo.
Posted by Mikosubaka on Saturday, July 25, 2009 2 comments
23 July, 2009
Pick a color any color!
Hi guys! It's Miko here and Greenguy1003 still hasn't made his post yet...
Anyway, the time to pick a color has begun! Which one will it be?
Posted by Mikosubaka on Thursday, July 23, 2009 2 comments
22 July, 2009
Newspaper and Dock!
Here are the new events happening later! Also, the Penguin Tales contest has begun! Winners will recieve 10101 coins! There can be 4 winner, each from each language. For more info check out the Club Penguin Times!
Congratz to Greenguy1003 for becoming the new CPP author!
Congratz Hfsuhf for becoming the first CPP mod!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 0 comments
Screenhog on Music Jam
Greenguy1003 is the new author on CPP!
First of all here is a list of stuff Club Penguin doesn't want you to miss at the Music Jam!
- If you have an instrument, then you should go to the Lighthouse stage! If you play your drums, tuba, trombone, or any guitar, you can actually hear what you're playing. Just wear the instrument (only the instrument and no other items) and dance!
- The Underground Cave has a floor piano! Step on a key. Oh, and the switch on the wall lets you hear other penguins!
- There are musical icicles in the Mine. Mouse over them!
- Battle of the Bands at the Snow Forts! The stages are connected to a meter and the one with the most penguins wins!
- The Music Maker 3000 is back! Last year it was in the Dojo but this time it's near the Snow Forts. Bring some friends and play giant musical instruments.
- Keep checking out the big stage at the Dock as it plays music from all of the other stages. (It's also the entrance to the Backstage.)
If you want to read more about it click here
Author will be revealed tomorrow! There won't be another chat mod because nobody comments anymore ever since Stickers left :,(
Posted by Mikosubaka on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 0 comments
Testing some stuff
Okay I have put on a test banner on the sidebar, if you would let me know if it shows on your computer and if you click on it, it will bring you to this blog. Many thanks if you do it!
EDIT: I just changed it, does the banner now show on your computer?
EDIT: I AM CHANGING THE URL TO http://www.clubpenguinpowa.blogspot.com/ ON SATURDAY JULY 26TH!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 0 comments
20 July, 2009
Vote for the new color on Friday!
Hey ppl! This Friday you can vote for the new penguin color! I'm going to vote for the aqua color! Even though there ALREADY is a lot of blue I'll vote for it!
Do you know what room the tent is? I do!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Monday, July 20, 2009 1 comments
18 July, 2009
Okay then
Guess what? I'm not quitting!!! I got convince by this person(can't say who). So, yeah, anyway, I'll keep posting and the contest is still going on!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Saturday, July 18, 2009 1 comments
17 July, 2009
I think I might just QUIT. IF you haven't noticed, around January people have started making blogs! And now a lot of people have choices to make on will blog they like. Check out the hit counter, it barely budged ever since I started to own this site! I might also QUIT Club Penguin cause I, uhhhh might feel like it or something(can't say...). There probably aren't much people reading this anyway but I'm sorry if this bothers you. I'm still thinking about this... There isn't much to say *looks ^up^* nevermind. But anyway I might just take one stroll around Club Penguin with all my penguin friends, then I'm off the thing FOR GOOD.
Till next time,
Posted by Mikosubaka on Friday, July 17, 2009 7 comments
Chat Mod and Author Contest!!!
Okay, first here is the contest for being a chat mod.
Comment on every post, this will tell me how often your on this site and be a mod here.
How to become a CPP author(not an admin). If you're going to be an author here your job will be to post cheats for the catalogs. I'll start doing the free items and pins soon enough.
This is similar to how I got to be an author on CPW. Send me a persuasive e-mail. My e-mail is mikosubaka@gmail.com It's also on the bottom of the site so you can just see it there.
Posted by Mikosubaka on Friday, July 17, 2009 2 comments
16 July, 2009
Reviewed By You!
Okay if you want to read about the Reviewed By You click here.
Anyway, here is how the penguins would look with each colour.*Mikosubaka*
Posted by Mikosubaka on Thursday, July 16, 2009 0 comments
15 July, 2009
Upcoming Events!!!
Hey! Look at the awesome upcoming events! There will be a new color in store for penguins and the choses are lavender, maroon or aqua
Remember Contest for the chat mod and Videog1500 POTW will still be going on but the one earlier was from Stickers and it's on his new site right now. My POTW will start next week!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 1 comments
Happy77 talks about Music Jam!
Happy77 shows us how the Music Jam decorations start! Here is a draft abd here is the finish!
To read more about this click here.
Also, by my own decison I have made Hfsuhf a chat mod. There is only 1 spot left for the other one so be ready cause the contest will be delayed for tomorrow!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 3 comments
New URL change next week!
Okay so I will be changing the URL next week! It will probably be changed on Wednesday. So I'm just letting you guys know ahead of time so you can change it on your blogroll(if my blog is even there which I doubt).
Posted by Mikosubaka on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 0 comments
14 July, 2009
Adding some more stuff!
Hey Miko here and I feel that I need chat mods for the chat in the Lazy Zone. I will have a contest soon for it so be ready for it! Also, I might need someone to be an author here but who knows.
Posted by Mikosubaka on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 3 comments
11 July, 2009
New Changes
Well Stickers is now just an author on this site and I will be making some changes to this site. Be sure to check here often! Later I will change the URL so those that have this blog on your blogroll you'll need to change it soon.
A few changes have been added!
Also, can someone comment and tell me the RIGHT blogs that were on the blogroll before all the changes?
Posted by Mikosubaka on Saturday, July 11, 2009 1 comments
The Decision
Well it seems that Stickers has given me a big decision to make and my decision is...
I will let you go do what you want Stickers. Hey, I'm a nice guy to deal with and if you need me Stickers just e-mail me and I'll be there!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Saturday, July 11, 2009 0 comments
09 July, 2009
Hey ppl! Miko here with a big post! Here's how to find the ruby!
1. File Cabinet 2. Trashcan 3. Book 4. Vase 5. Painting, click on the safe then you have the ruby. Here's the secret background...
Posted by Mikosubaka on Thursday, July 09, 2009 0 comments
08 July, 2009
You got to decide on which shirt will be in the August Clothing Catalog '09
The Splatter is in the lead by more than half!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Wednesday, July 08, 2009 0 comments
06 July, 2009
Music Jam Sneak Peak!
It's another party sneak peek for you ppl! This one is for the Music Jam '09.
Music JAM! Music JAM! Music JAM! Mhmmmmm...jam, I'll have some right now!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Monday, July 06, 2009 0 comments
01 July, 2009
Upcoming Events!!!
Hey Miko here! Looks like the Music Jam of '09 is coming up. Festival dates will be announced starting July 17.
Also, some other upcoming events including Sensei being at the hideout, Ruby and the Ruby, new penguin style catalog and a new pin!
Posted by Mikosubaka on Wednesday, July 01, 2009 1 comments